Service after all has been started up and your system is running
In the planning and installation period you need Greenspec service and support.
Greenspec works in most cases with local installers. The local installer then makes your set-up. He can also give instruction in your own language. He has contact with Greenspec for special settings or for extra requests from your side.
They adapt the system for your greenhouse. And then you can together with your agricultural advisor plan in the best way the crop that you grow.
Support by your installer
Once the whole Greenspce system is running, you need more support:
- for possible repair and maintenance of the whole Greenspec system hardware
- to calibrate several sensors from time to time and set the results in the software
- to help you to improve the set-up of your system, in different seasons or when changing crops.
- to make sure your alarms are set properly and transmitted to your mobile or computer.
Of course the Greenspec installer is not responsible for the growth plan. He only sets the software for the requested climate and ferti conditions. Advise for the best conditions for your crop comes of course from your agricultural advisor.

Sensor maintenance
Please realise that the system needs maintenance. Important items to watch carefully:
- the condition of your optical communication line: the installer can check that this is running well with diagnostic tools in the software.
- the correct setting and range of your sensors
- exchange of sensors that have a limited lifetime: the most important are the pH and CO2 sensors, that have a limited lifetime and should be checked, if needed replaced and recalibrated by your installer. Inspection is needed at least each year.

Greenspec service by installer for the clients

Greenspec strongly advises you to make a service contract for the setting and adjustment of the Greenspec hardware and software. Normally the best company for that is the direct installer.
If no direct installer is available in your country , Greenspec can take over only a part on that service. But we cannot take over all work. Contact us for more information.