Help function for Greenspec software on your system
Once you open the full software you find about 500 different functions and one of them is the help function. The installer will limit the functions to what you need for your greenhouse and your crops. Many pages will be hidden after the installation is finished. But on one page Greenspec still puts several settings together. We supply a flexible system, so a software help function is useful.
Ask your installer to activate the most recent version of this Greenspec F2 help function.

You can load on each page the help function page. Click here on the help question mark and then the html help pops up. These are pages from the Greenspec manual. You can go through the whole manual, there is also a search function.
For more information you can also download the users manual. In this manual you find a large amount of information on extra settings. Please ask your installer for information if you want to activate new functions. All software can be used without extra costs. The exception are a few extra functions that are linked to special hardware, like the UV system and the cooling system.
An example of a software help page
Below on the left side you see a page for setting of the ventilation opening depending on the wind speed. Now if you click on the help button a html page as shown on the right pops up. You get here advice on the settings that you can find on the page. This is just one example.