Production planning for your order

Greenspec and your installer plan the production and delivery of your system together.
Production is at Synspec in Groningen in the Netherlands. This company s the hardware on demand and in addition test it with special care. Synspec even produces the electronic boards. That is nowadays very special, but makes quality control is easy. Synspec produces following ISO standards 9001 and 14001. They test each AFP control unit before it is shipped.
You get also an industrial computer with the software. The optical fibre lines connect the electrical switch boxes called AFP to the computer.
The Greenspec team designs the software. It works on a Windows platform, at this moment we supply it with a Windows 10 limited edition. A new Greenspec software update is available for your installer every 6 months.
Delivery of your system

You want your system supplied when you set up a new greenhouse. Or you want an addition in between crops. So in that case the timing is especially critical for you, as the greenhouse will be available for the restructuring for only a limited time. We stock the main elements, to be able to ship within 2 weeks, depending on the availability of all hardware parts.
Your local Greenspec supplier will deliver the system to you. He will then build it in your greenhouse at the right place.